The Transmission Level in Lancaster County is HIGH: Masks are required in healthcare areas.
This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.
As we begin to learn to live with COVID-19, the PA Department of Health (DOH) has updated their guidelines for healthcare facilities.
Changes include:
Active screening (temperature and symptom checks) is no longer required for visitors and team members.
Visitors will be asked to delay non-urgent visits if they have a positive COVID-19 test, symptoms that could be related to COVID-19 (fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or new loss of taste and smell) or exposure to someone who is positive for COVID-19.
Masking requirements
The need to wear masks in Healthcare areas will be dependent on the county Community Transmission level as calculated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This metric allows for earlier intervention before there is a strain on the healthcare system and to better protect individuals seeking care in these settings. (The Community Transmission levels are different than the COVID-19 Community Levels used for non-healthcare settings.)
Community Transmission has four levels-Low, Moderate, Substantial and High. These levels are calculated based on the number of new cases per 100,000 persons in the past 7 days AND the Percentage of positive NAATs (Nucleic Acid Amplification Test-PCR test is one type) during the past 7 days. If the two indicators suggest different transmission levels, the higher level is selected.
Masks will be required for all persons entering Healthcare (visitors, team members, contracted providers, vendors, and volunteers) in HIGH Community Transmission level.
For SUBSTANTIAL, MODERATE or LOW Community Transmission level, masks will be optional for all persons entering Healthcare areas (visitors, team members, contracted providers, vendors, and volunteers).
When the levels drop below HIGH, masks will be required for an additional two weeks to ensure that the reduced level will be sustained.
When the levels move back to HIGH, masks will be required immediately, as the risk for COVID-19 transmission is much greater. Signs will be posted at entrances to our skilled nursing households at Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm as well as Mountain View Personal Care and Meadow View Memory Support to indicate when masks are required.
Community Transmission Levels will be checked weekly per recommendation of PA DOH.
Currently, Lancaster County remains in a HIGH level of Community Transmission (According to the CDC, the most recent case rate is 86.49 per 100,000 persons and the % Positivity is 11.66%.) and masks are required in all Healthcare areas including the Therapy Gym.
Testing Requirements
Newly admitted residents will receive a series of three tests, approximately 48 hours apart. New, asymptomatic residents no longer need to quarantine.
Residents who leave the community for longer than 24 hours, will need to be tested three times, approximately 48 hours apart.
Symptomatic residents will be placed in quarantine and receive a series of two tests, approximately 48 hours apart.
Routine testing of vaccinated staff is no longer required.
Unvaccinated staff with an approved exemption will need to test weekly.
Symptomatic staff will receive a series of two tests, approximately 48 hours apart.
Residents or staff with known exposures will receive a series of three tests, about 48 hours apart.